are you


join us

in 3 simple steps

We have compiled a list of contractors across the United States of America and provide it online to our  customers.
This list is constantly being updated. You can also add to this list. This list is based on factors such as having a license or not having a license and the geographical area is set. To be added to the list, first register to the site and then purchase your membership plan. You must provide your profile or your company along with your contact information such as phone number to be included on the site. Only information we receive from you that you are willing to share with our customers. This information will be publicly displayed for all customers and we are not responsible for that, therefore, we are not responsible for providing information that may affect your privacy and other matters. Our customers have access to contractors of their own choice and based on the geographical area of their residence. We do not offer any suggestions to our customers to choose a specific contractor. We only provide contact information for contractors. The decision is up to them . A contractor is solely responsible for customers.

a good opportunity for contractors

If you have already joined us as a contractor, get a 15% discount for selling designs to your local customers.

As a contractor, you may have many clients in your state or city who needs a designer or a beautiful design. They are willing to pay you a lot for the design. You can get design packages with a 15% discount  from us and sell to your customers. ( sweet deal).
Before that, you must be a member of us, so join us, then you will be directed to the discount code request page through the discount button or the existing link. You enter your details on the discount page and specify the design package. Activate the discount code request section.
If your profile is the same as the list of contractors, a unique discount code will be sent to you (by email).
You can buy your design package with a 15% special discount for contractors and sell it to your local customer.
Discount page / link

now, join us

step 1 :


step 2 :

select your best membership plan

membership for contractors

for 1 year
for 2 years

step 3 :

send your information

only for contractors


    Please enter the information that you want to be available to customers in the ” YOUR INFO FOR CUSTOMER ”  field. Note that you should avoid sending private information or any information that harms your privacy. Customers usually choose contractors who provide more information. We suggest you provide the following information if available:
    1. full name
    2. Phone and email
    3. Business address
    4. your website 
    5. Business location /state and city(very important)
    6. Company name
    and more