apply for 15% discount

Only for registered contractors

If you have already joined us as a contractor, get a 15% discount for selling designs to your local customers.

As a contractor, you may have many clients in your state or city who needs a designer or a beautiful design. They are willing to pay you a lot for the design. You can get design packages with a 15% discount  from us and sell to your customers. ( sweet deal).
Before that, you must be a member of us, so join us, then you will be directed to the discount code request page through the discount button or the existing link. You enter your details on the discount page and specify the design package. Activate the discount code request section.
If your profile is the same as the list of contractors, a unique discount code will be sent to you (by email).
You can buy your design package with a 15% special discount for contractors and sell it to your local customer.

Please fill out the form below carefully.

    Are you a contractor? Join us as a contractor